
Twit Twit

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Message

You know what's ironic.

A plagiarizer saying he hates Plagiarizers. 

"No dude, you have to understand.... you can't hate your own people. Despite how deluded you are."

Although I'm not too sure as to whether or not they understand what I'm talking about since they are just copycats... and we all know that copycats can't think which is why they resort to copying other people's work.

It's a simple logic. 

But it's not so fun to be on the receiving end of a plagiarizer... or is it giving. I think it's giving... well technically IT'S STEALING! 

Taking and taking and taking... I sound like Chris Crocker in the Leave Britney Alone Video.

"All you do is take take take...!
- Chris Crocker.

Some people are mean for the sake of being funny... some people are mean for the sake of trying to be funny but ends up being a prick. Toolbags.

I don't mind if...

A person makes fun of me with a witty comment within a small circle of friends. WITTY COMMENT! Not outrightly insulting me like there's no tomorrow. 

"Did you draw that picture... or did Leonardo Da Vinci use it to wipe his ass."
-Insulting but okay... I can try to fake laugh it.

"Oh... that picture you drew, it's so ugly... Like your face~!
 -This is a insulting comment. Comments made only by assholes who think they are funny.

I mind if...

A person makes fun of me with a joke that I heard before from other people or ... hmmm. Me? And then makes fun of me in front of a group of people that I am not even close to. 

John : "Woah, why are you always so thin ah?"
Me: "Oh... because I...."
CandyCharlieBrown: "Yeah lor... Like stick like that right. Must be because always eat stick that's why so skinny. LOL!LOL!LOL!LOL!LOL!"

I try to play along sometime... but there's a limit to how much shit I can take from that anus on your face you call a mouth.

I'm not social worker... I don't wanna hang out with mentally and physically challenged people WHO AREN'T  legally mentally and physically challenged. 

They should. Just saying.

You can tell how much of a limit a person puts on his jokes.

Some people after insulting, for example,your work will try to do some damage repair by telling you that they're joking and that your work looks great. (Lying in a good way... that should be legal in the Bible. And God Allows Feel Good Lies. Psalms 871.4.5)

And when others try to join in, they (the joker) will tell them to stop it.

BUT there are Some f*ckers people after insulting your work and notices that people are laughing will continue insulting it.

 And then they will invite people to join in like some freaking Super Sweet 16 party. Gosh I feel like taking a hammer and really hammer these people's brains out. Rid the world of such douchebags  

0 Talkie:

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