Obviously Manny failed his Maths ... there's more then 4 tools in his toolbag.
What a toolbag, leaving out the other "less" important tools
It's no wonder he's a handyman. Can't even count properly still try to count in Spanish.
School started at 8am today, I woke up at 8am today... and I reach school at approximately 9.30am.
Oh yeah~ That's right. Rebel? That's me... I'm so rebellious even the lecturers didn't dare ask why I was late... because they don't care.
After that it was pretty boring, handed in some of my works... talk talk talk... eat lunch. Go and sit for a test to fail it.
I wasn't exactly the most honest person to take the test thanks to my handphone's web browser and Wikipedia. I didn't say I cheated, don't anyhow assume... I simply did a little referencing...
Plus it's a No No to use Wikipedia and the teachers won't accept Wikipedia as a reference source... which means I need not tell them I use Wikipedia since they will reject that source anyway.
Test finished so I headed back to the Studio and waited for an hour... which was probably a bad waste of time. I mean like Hello~... I can waste my time better at home... Playing Aion~!!!

I always have a sense of regret after creating a character...
This one is because of the flatness of her chest...It's a in game character, they should have naturally humongous boobs.
But the Handyman was pretty useful, essentially the main concept of the design was scrapped off because apparently the glass will break if there's too many holes. It's like an old person's arm... you take a hammer to whack it and it will break into a million pieces... because of all the holes.
And then you can mix the crushed bones with water, drink it and
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