Show a little love for John Mayer.
Having his music playing in the background. I've always heard of him but never really heard his music until today.
And I know Jennifer Anniston because she's Brad Pitt's lover.
And I know Brad Pitt because he's Angelina Jolie's husband.
And I know Angelina Jolie because she kissed Winona Ryder (Girls Interrupted).
And I know Winona Ryder because she kissed Jennifer Anniston (Friends).
Which brings me to my main point.
Winona Ryder has kissed both of Brad Pitts' wives. Both of them, you don't get that a lot.
Waiting for Girlfriends: Interrupted where all 3 of them will be in a room kissing and the film will come to an end when they get interrupted by a Nurse for medicine time.
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