There's music playing in the background... but you can't stop it.
I think he's an awesome singer, John Mayer... that's my opinion so the song's gonna play whether you like it or not. Along with a hint of Taylor Swift, and I mean only a small hint.

"Can You See Me ?" -Taylor Swift
It's like that sugar free chocolate cake that you eat... they say it's chocolate but all you really taste is butter and flour.
It's like Taylor Swift went up to John Mayer and said....
Taylor Swift : "If all you're gonna offer me is 40 cents, I am just gonna sing 2 lines in the song"
John Mayer : "Look, how about I throw in let's say ... let me check my pocket... Here we go~.... another 20 cents and a packet of cigarettes. "
Taylor Swift : "Alright then, you are making me an offer I can't refuse... Lighter... you got any lighter ?"
John Mayer : " Urgh, crap... it's with my bitch Jennifer Anniston."
Taylor Swift : "2 lines only then... Here! Take you stupid pack of cigarettes back."
John Mayer : "I have some pebbles in my pocket? I can maybe start a spark with that ?"
Taylor Swift : "Oh alright~ I will do back up singing as well since you are SOOOO desperate."
Deal made... that's what I think went down in the studio.
Or maybe it was the other way round and Taylor Swift gave John Mayer a lock of Miley Cyrus maiden hair so that Taylor Swift can be in a song with John Mayer.
I mean it's John Mayer~, he's not some Disney singing pop-nonsensation.
Speaking of Miley Cyrus... it's been a while Miley, Hi~.
Miley Cyrus thinks she is Oprah... she thinks everyone in the world knows her...
"You mean you don't recognize me? I'm Miley Cyrus !"
Was what she said when the waiter ask for her name...
No Miley~...Not everyone is the world knows you, there are some people left in the world that are that fortunate. People like the Manager of Pop Burger on East 58th Street.

"F*ck Off Pop Burger!"
I wished it'd been more exciting... like she could've been more self absorbed.
Miley Cyrus : "You mean you don't recognize me ? I'm Miley Cyrus."
Lucky Bastard : "Ummm... well good for you. "
Miley Cyrus : "Suck my dick you motherf*cker, your daughter worships me and kisses the floor I walk on, your son sticks my poster on the wall and cuts a small hole in my poster mouth because that's as close as his stick will get to my mouth, your wife looks at me everyday and wishes she could be me and your Mama's so stupid she thinks Miley Cyrus is a goddess."
Lucky Bastard : "Now who you are talking bout my Mama like that~... you punk ass emo bitch. You wanna piece of me you crazy ass bitch~!"
Miley Cyrus : "You WISH I wanna piece of you... you dumb ass. I don't even want your son, why would I want his older and saggier father. Enough talk......Mandy.... ATTACK~!"
Mandy " Yes Miley! *bark* bark*.
And then Mandy will bite Pop Burger Manager's butt, he will get rabies... Miley will end up in a lawsuit for dissing Twilight. Well, by lawsuit I mean her getting ripped apart by the Twilight fans...
Team Edward will use their teeth to rip her apart to signify their vampire side.
Team Jacob will tear her apart by asking Mandy to do it to signify the werewolf side.
They're a bunch of nutbags... so everyone will just be let off for being psychologically unsound and Miley Cyrus will forever be remembered as...
Who's Miley Cyrus again ?